HomeLatest Jobമിനിമം പത്താം ക്ലാസ്സ്‌, പ്ലസ്ടു ഉള്ളവര്‍ക്ക് ഈ ആഴ്ചയില്‍ നേടാന്‍ കഴിയുന്ന സര്‍ക്കാര്‍ ജോലികള്‍ ...

മിനിമം പത്താം ക്ലാസ്സ്‌, പ്ലസ്ടു ഉള്ളവര്‍ക്ക് ഈ ആഴ്ചയില്‍ നേടാന്‍ കഴിയുന്ന സര്‍ക്കാര്‍ ജോലികള്‍ | Latest Govt Jobs 2023 March Month Malayalam | Latest Kerala Jobs

Latest Govt Jobs 2023
Latest Govt Jobs 2023

Latest Govt Jobs 2023 March Month : ഈ ആഴചയില്‍ മൊബൈല്‍ ഫോണ്‍ വഴി അപേക്ഷിക്കാവുന്ന ജോലി ഒഴിവുകളെ കുറിച്ചാണ് താഴെ കൊടുത്തിട്ടുള്ളത്‌. മിനിമം പത്താം ക്ലാസ്സ്‌ മുതല്‍ യോഗ്യത ഉള്ളവര്‍ക്ക് അപേക്ഷിക്കാന്‍ കഴിയുന്ന ജോലികള്‍ ഉള്‍പ്പെടെ വിവിധ ഉയര്‍ന്ന യോഗ്യത ഉള്ളവര്‍ക്കും അപേക്ഷിക്കാം. മാസം 81,000 വരെ ശമ്പളം ലഭിക്കാവുന്ന കേരള സര്‍ക്കാരിനു കീഴിലും , കേന്ദ്ര സര്‍ക്കാരിനു കീഴിലുള്ള വിവിധ ജോലികള്‍ക്ക് ഇപ്പോള്‍ അപേക്ഷിക്കാം.

Organization Post Name Vacancies Qualification Last Date Full Details
Kerala State Legal Service Authority (KELSA) Office Assistant, Receptionist, Data Entry Operator, Office Attendant and Peon 45 10th Pass, Degree 30.03.2023 Apply Now
Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) Constable (Technical & Tradesmen) 9223 10th, ITI 25.04.2023 Apply Now
Society for Applied Microwave Electronics Engineering and Research (SAMEER) Scientist – B, Scientist – C 21 Degree, Diploma 08.04.2023 Apply Now
Cantonment Board, Pune Ledge Clerk, Nursing Orderly, Peon, Store Coolie, Watchman, Assistant Medical Officer, Ayah and others 168 7th Pass, 10th Pass, Degree 04.04.2023 Apply Now
Nuclear Fuel Complex (NFC) Chief Fire Officer / A, Technical Officer / C (Computers), Deputy Chief Fire Officer / A, Station Officer / A, Sub-Officer / B, Driver-cum-Pump Operator-cum Fireman/A 124 12th, Degree, Diploma 10.04.2023 Apply Now
National Water Development Agency Junior Engineer (Civil), Junior Accounts Officer, Draftsman Grade-III, Upper Division Clerk, Stenographer Grade – II, Lower Division Clerk 40 12th/Degree/Diploma 17.04.2023 Apply Now
Lok Sabha Secretariat parliamentary Interpreter 13 Degree/Master Degree 03.04.2023 Apply Now
Suchitwa Mission Young Professionals 100 Degree 25.03.2023 Apply Now
Kerala Devaswom Recruitment Board (KDRB) Driver-cum-Peon Various 10th Pass 25.03.2023 Apply Now
Kerala Infrastructure Investment Fund Board (KIIFB) Inspection Engineer and Driver 10 B.Tech 24.03.2023 Apply Now
The Kerala State Road Transport Corporation (KSRTC) Drivers and Conductors Various 10th, Driving 20.03.2023 Apply Now
Air Force Agnipath Scheme / Yojana Agniveer Vayu 3500 Plus Two 31.03.2023 Apply Now
Malabar Cancer Center (MCC) Clinical Trial Coordinator, Research Nurse, Data entry operator, TECHNICIANNUCLEAR MEDICINE, RESIDENT STAFF NURSE and RESIDENT PHARMACIST 12 Degree, Diploma 25.03.2023 Apply Now
All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Guwahati LDC/ DEO/Junior Administrative Assistant, Lab Attendant and others 73 12th Pass, Degree 21.03.2023 Apply Now
Staff Selection Commission (SSC) DEO, MTS, Examiner, Junior Engineer, Examiner, Canteen Attendant, Manager, Technician, Taxidermist, Photo Assistant, Office Superintendent and others 5369 10th Pass, 12th Pass, Degree 27.03.2023 Apply Now
Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) Scientist, Data Entry Operator (DEO), Lower Division Clerk (LDC), Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS) and others 163 10th Pass, 12th Pass, Degree 31.03.2023 Apply Now
Delhi High Court Senior Personal Assistant and Personal Assistant 127 Degree 31.03.2023 Apply Now
Kerala State IT Mission (KSITM) Mission Co Ordinator, Software Architect, Assistant Mission Co Ordinator,Network Engineer, Software Engineers and others 12 BE/B.Tech 25.03.2023 Apply Now
National Informatics Centre (NIC) Scientist-‘B’ , Scientific Officer/Engineer, Scientific/Technical Assistant 598 Degree 25.04.2023 Apply Now
Ex-Servicemen Contributory Health Scheme (ECHS) Clerk, Assistant, Attendant, Driver, Safaiwala, Chowkidar and others 158 8th Pass, 10th Pass, Degree 25.03.2023 Apply Now
Yantra India Limited Non-ITI and ITI Category Apprentices 5395 10th Pass/ITI 30.03.2023 Apply Now
Cantonment Board, Cannanore LD Clerk, Mali 3 7th Pass, 10th Pass 20.03.2023 Apply Now
Tamilnadu Post Office Staff Car Driver (Ordinary Grade) 58 10th Pass/Driving 31.03.2023 Apply Now
DRDO Gas Turbine Research Establishment (DRDO GTRE) Graduate Apprentice, Diploma Apprentice & ITI Apprentice 150 Degree/Diploma 26.03.2023 Apply Now
DRDO Gas Turbine Research Establishment (DRDO GTRE) Graduate Apprentice, Diploma Apprentice & ITI Apprentice 150 Degree/Diploma 26.03.2023 Apply Now

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